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More Cassie Quotes & Comments X

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Apostle Donald Thompson

**aka Triple "A" Preacher"**


Greetings, Woman of God:


Continue in the direction of the Lord. Know this: Quiet days or silent times have no ultimate meaning that will redirect or deface the assignment. Understand that even as it is written at Deuteronomy 29:29, "The secret things belong to God"...therefore, when you are not sure what's going on with the process, know that God is at work doing His part. Amen.

"Cassie" NOTE: The complete Scriptural verse reads thusly,

"The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may

do all the words of the law." (King James Version)


Thank you SO much, my friend and brother-in-Christ! This is definitely "an ENCOURAGING word to the ENCOURAGER from the Word." As you've ADMONISHED & AFOREMENTIONED, so will I proceed with my ASSIGNMENT, covered and led by God's ANOINTING.


Dwelling in "the Secret Place" within "a Wealthy Place,"





Overseer-Elect Sylvia Cunningham:

You may be between a rock and a hard place right now, but know this:

Your "ROCK" will smash your hard place!! There is absolutely NOTHING too hard FOR Him, THROUGH Him, WITH Him or IN Him!!!!





"...Who do I lean on, when there's NO foundation stable? I go the ROCK, 'cause I know that HE's able. I go to the ROCK! Yes, I go to the ROCK of my Salvation. I go to the Stone that the builders rejected. I run to the Mountain, and the Mountain stands by me. When the earth all around me is sinking sand, on CHRIST the SOLID ROCK I stand. When I need a Shelter... when I need a Friend, I go to the ROCK!" :)

**The Late Dottie Rambo, Songwriter**


Sticking With & Standing On The Rock Christ Jesus,




The Late Deaconess Arnell Harris & Evangelist Hazel Templeton

**whose "Homegoing Services" were held at the beginning of April, 2011**

Lord, what are you saying in this? On April 2, 2011 I sang at the Homegoing Service of one of the most dearly beloved woman-servants at my "home church" (Deaconess Arnell Harris). Her ENTIRE life was centered around "servanthood." This is the same impression that I get when I think about "Lady Hazel Templeton," a precious woman of God, who was dedicated and faithful to serve on her post(s) with poise and the kind of "quiet" strength that "spoke" volumes to all who paid attention!

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Thank you, Heavenly Father, for GREAT-n-GODLY examples such as these. They will not soon be forgotten. I pray that Your mighty hand, which is at work - even in this sad hour - will comfort and uphold the bereaved families, in their time of loss and Heaven's gain. Accepting Your will in Jesus' name, we humbly submit and say, "Amen."

In Loving Memory,



"Lady Evangelist Wanda Bell":

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OMG! The text message/calls/emails, including very *personal testimonies* of how Evening Worship (Spring 2011) met the needs of God's people have been numerous!


Wisdom says in Proverbs 1:23, "Come and listen to my counsel. I'll share my heart with you and make you wise."

I am thanking God for the wise counsel that surrounds me--bona fide Leaders who will take personal time to talk to me/sit down with me and share instruction, their insight, experiences, and choices they've had to make. Priceless!! Priceless!!



God bless YOU even the MORE, "Lady da WANDAful Bell," as Wisdom continues to "ring" and "resound" in the hearts of those whose lives you've touched by way of Spiritual impartation from the "Great God of Wisdom." What you have received, you so freely give. Therefore, there is an INCREASE of "Living Water" that flows ever so freely and generously from the ABUNDANCE of who you are, straight to us...and we thank you SO "ver, ver" much for sharing it with us. Indeed, you too are a "priceless jewel," and we love you! MUAH! :)


Your sister-in-Christ and friend for life,



"Lady La'Trice Wilson":

I'm feelin' this one, Cassie. So true, so true.

Wanda is nothing but a mere blessing to the Body of Christ. Love her!

Real saint of God. What a blessing she is to me!

Be encouraged, women of God!


"Lady Wanda":

Cassie--right back at'cha, sis!! I love me some you, and I can't wait until you release that blessing in the making. Btw (by the way), please pencil in Evening Worship~Fall 2011 to bless us with your ministry...Muah!!



**blushin'-n-carryin' on**


YOUR wish is MY command, Sis.

Thank you! MUAH! :)


"Lady Wanda":

LOL!! Why are you so surprised??

They couldn't stop talking about some Cassie from last are definitely a model of HTAB (Holy Tabernacle COGIC) & AOW (Ascriptions of Worship), a woman after my own heart!! Tell your people to tell their people to pencil it in now...don't!



Will DO, Sis...and I WON'T forget!

;) **wink**


"Lady Cymien 'Cym' Hughes":

Beautiful Day!


LOOK at da "Bea-YOU-tiful" callin' somethin' "Beautiful"! Heeeeyyyy, "Beautiful"! LOL


Just sayin'-n-"errrrythang,"



"Lady Cym":

Awwwwweeeee, thanks, Lady C!!

You are as well!!



WHATEVA, tho...but thanks, Sis.

;) **wink**

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"Lady Evangelist Jackie Hill":

**Lettin' us FB'ers have it upside da LOVE, of course! lol**


Just because someone agrees with you, doesn't mean you're right! Some people "go along to get along!"...and others will STAND for RIGHT...and LOVE you all at the same time!!!



You got THAT one RIGHT, "Lady J"! So far, I can "go along" and "agree with you," and God KNOWS I LOVE ya wit' all I got; but "sweetums," the very moment that you say or do somethin' that's STRAIGHT-UP WRONG, I will most certainly NOT agree with you, but God also KNOWS that I'll yet be LOVIN' on a sista. What else can I say but what God says, which is,


"I AM that I AM."

In other words: "Take me, or leave me...but I'm still gonna love ya."

Ya see? ;) **wink**


STANDING for RIGHT 'cause it's just RIGHT to DO RIGHT,



Ya know how some people say,

"When I grow up I wanna be like ______ (fill in the blank)"?

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Well, I decided a loooonnnng time ago that I would be who GOD designed, created, ordained, and expects me to be: ME! Then, that way, NEITHA one of us has to be mad at an imposter/"wanna-be" who tries to wear-n-walk in some "shoes" that DON'T fit 'em, simply because they weren't meant to!


Honey, if da "shoes" DON'T fit,

just stay OUT of 'em and quit! Hello?!


"Lady La'Trice Wilson":

Well spoken, woman of God. Let da cheeerch say a ament,

and a ament!!!! Love it, sis!!!!



As I ALWAYS say,

"The TRUTH will DO somethin' fo' ya...if ya LET it." :)


"Lady Lynda Burrell Hickman":

A to da MEN (AMEN) all day long.



Yep, and "da WOMEN, too!"

See? YOU're MY kinda people...ALL DAY long! LOL

Thanks lots! :)


Apostle Donald Thompson:

Praise the Lord, Woman of God = Cassandra Roberson-Kelley.

I believe that most people become extremist in a moment, not realizing that they can go to God for themselves and leave off from His immediate presence seething hot with Holy Ghost power, commissioned to do a glorious work to the praise and glory of Christ Jesus whom brought them out of darkness into His marvelous light. So, rather than press their way into the Kingdom, it seems to be the "quick fix" to become a spiritual copy-cat. (cheeze)



Sir, if EVA (ever) there was a TRUE witness that represents the glorious Kingdom of God, adorned with the WHOLE armor of God,

"you da MAN"...respectfully speaking, of course.

Thank you, Sir. :)


"Lady Vivian Gipson":

That's real talk, Sis. No carbon copies here. :-)

Been through so much they would pass out trying to be like me! Lol!

Be yourself. It's hard enough...



I DARE somebody to try to be you, Sis!

I'd ask them, "Who is the REAL fool 'up in this piece'?"

Then, before they could open their mouth good,

I'd answer the question for 'em: "It's YOU, 'BOO'!" Ha-ha!

I cracked my OWNself up with THAT one! Oo-wee! **smh**

Bless ya, my one-of-a-kind sista! ;) **wink**


"Lady Vivian":

Thanks, Sis...likewise about you!

Too anointed to be copied. ;-)


Apostle Donald Thompson:

Woman of God, thank you for those encouraging words. There you go flaunting that prophetic are going to preach till fire comes out of your mouth and they who hate or despise it will turn and love it, because their word is in your mouth. God is about to force you into "Green Pastures". See? We mind tradition unintentionally by trying not to offend leaderships: Amen Lights!!! Well, did you never read where in the Scriptures of the Psalms David said: "I am wiser than all my teachers"? It is time to step over into the acceleration lane of Almighty God's calling and election on your life. (I'd better stop!!! I feel a holler coming on me! O my God!)



Go 'head on and holler, Sir...God & I won't be the least bit mad atcha.

"Amen, Lights"...and ceiling fans, and windows, and doors!!!

I SO love you, Sir! Be blessed! :)


**Ten (10) days later...**


"Lady Evangelist Wanda Bell":

**An FB Post she shared on April 28, 2011 that "fits" THIS perfectly!**


"There is no better person that you can be in God other than YOU. Don't try to "walk" in anyone else's "shoes" (wear a mantle not made for you). If you knew the exact details of their journey, you would probably want to run barefooted in another direction! In other words, you don't know what they've been through to be who/where they are today. Truly, a great price has been paid."


"Lady Dr. Judith Christie McAllister":

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Bishop Joseph W. Walker - "Jesus was the WORD made flesh,

We are Flesh, being made the WORD..."

What a PROFOUND statement!



Then, when "The Day of Transformation" has FULLY come, after "being made the WORD" by SUPERnatural causes, our "Flesh" will no longer be seen/visible...just the LIVING WORD, in all of HIS glory. No more "I" but the CHRIST that ever SHINETH in my soul. :)


The WORD in Progress,





"An Endless Worship" is "A Lifestyle of Worship" that follows a TRUE Warrior of Worship right on into ETERNITY. Soon TIME will be

NO MORE; but Worship to the TRUE & LIVING GOD continues FOREVERMORE! Hallelujah, and Amen. :)

~Cassandra Roberson-Kelley~


Overseer-Elect Sylvia Cunningham:

God is reaching for the OUT BACK generation - those who have been scratched out, thrown away or forgotten about! The BACK of the church chicken fryer, the BACK ROOM toilet cleaner, the BACK DOOR parking lot attendant, the BACK of the church prayer warrior...are being raised up with a heart of God and sitting some other folk down! God is moving the no-name generation BACK to the future!



\0/<-- (wit' hands all up in da air)

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HOLD UP! I need you to BACK UP, "Lady Sylvia," and talk some more 'bout THAT! So, COME BACK here to da mic and FRONT OUT some folks who are sittin' UP FRONT (and OUT FRONT) but oughta be waaaayyyy in da BACK, instead of occupying the space where da OUT BACK generation should be and soon WILL BE sittin'! Buckle yo' seat belts, people; 'cause we're goin' "BACK to the FUTURE"...and it's gonna be a bumpy ride!



Positioned for the Great COME-BACK and ain't BACKING OUT now,





"Lady Lisa Fikes":

"Don't look for the easy way out! Don't wish things were easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom. Life's challenges often are stimulus for personal growth."


~Appreciate the people that challenge you.~

LF (Lisa Fikes)



And, "chile" (child), da "stimulus" is in FULL effect. Ya heard me?

NOW, it's even MORE "personal" than EVA (ever) before!

Wheeeew! **smh**


Experiencing a Spiritual "growth spurt" that's to be expected,



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The works of the MIGHTY hand of GOD, Whom I serve faithfully, are "Rated R" - for (R)IGHTEOUS. Yet, there are others who willfully serve SATAN, whose works are consistently "Rated PG" - for (P)URE (G)ARBAGE.


Hmmm...I'm just thinking, saying, and sharing. You may now return to your REGULARLY scheduled programming, WHATEVA "Rating" it is.

"Lady Sharon Rushing":

That's good!


"Lady Katrina Bryant Dawson":

Hi, Cassie! Thanks for sharing!



**@ "Lady Sharon" & "Lady Katrina"...n'em**


Happy Viewing, "Peeps"! :)


"Lady Ebony 'Ebby' Upshaw":




And I "LOVE" you, too! ;) **wink**


"Lady 'Ebby'":

Love you, too, Mama Kelley!! :-)


Prophet William Thompson, Jr.:

You're too bad, little sister...this is awesome!!!!!!



Uhm..."bad"? Oh, okay, then. I'll be "good." Hehehehe! :)


"Lady La'Trice Wilson":

Cassie, Love it, love it, love it. This one is a keeper.

Don't forget to put dis here one in your book!!!!!!!!!!


Sure thing, Sis...and thank you EVA (ever) so kindly for the suggestion.

;) **wink**


"Lady La'Trice":

Cassie you don't have to correct your dialect,


"I'm Tryna (trying) 2 learn u're (your) language. I love it.

I think u're (your) book needs 2 hv (have) da (the) new language. Smile.

Such great talent N da body of Christ. U R priceless, my friend. Love U!"


"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons":

She's definitely gifted in her language, La'Trice...I love it!

Ain't but one Lady Cassie, that's for sure!! :)



**@ "Lady Phebe"**


Come here, and lemme hug yo' neck, Sis...'cause it ain't but one o' you NEITHA! I am better than blessed to have ALL o' y'all in my life right about now. **reaches fo' da Kleenex box...again**


"Lady Phebe":

Awwwww! :)


"Lady Evangelist Vanessa Winbush-Gatlin":

Today is the day to make a decision to trust God that He will always be with you and direct your every step. Dismiss the voice of the devil for your spiritual advancement.



Alright...I've made my decision, "Lady V":


WILL trust God to be ever-present with me, ordering-n-directing my steps along this Christian journey. I've dismissed the voice of the devil, 'cause he don't be talkin' nothin' but "yak" no how!

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Now, if you'll excuse me, I must continue "spiritual advancement," for the sake of God's Kingdom. I love you, Sis. MUAH! :)


Pleased with the "ver, ver" WISE choice I've made on today,





Sir Montsho Lewis to Me/"Cassie" On My FB Wall 04/10/11:

**A lifetime "admirer" of myself and my mom

Madame Carrie Roberson**


I miss you and your voice...



WOW...Thank you, Sir Montsho! I appreciate the fact that you have ALWAYS been a GREAT support to me for "many moons and suns" (years) now. I have you to know that CHRIST - "The Anointed One and His Anointing" - is taking REAL good care of me and my voice. May HIS Light continue to shine through me, by way of Word & Music Ministry. For it is ONLY through JESUS CHRIST that I can do ALL things, including blessing YOUR life with MY "gift" to sing. :)


Here because of CHRIST...for the cause of CHRIST,


**Approximately an hour later on his OWN FB Wall**


Sir Montsho:

I could use some Cassandra Roberson-Kelley or Carrie Roberson right about now...


"Lady Stephanie Magee":

Both of them sang last Saturday (referring to April 2, 2011),

and it was nice...


Sir Montsho: the funeral...I was out of town.

**Referring to the "Homegoing Service" of Deaconess Arnell J. Harris**


"Lady Evangelist Wanda Bell":

**Regarding WORSHIP MATTERS Topic: "An Endless Worship"**

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The priests added wood to the fire daily so that the fire of the altar would not go out. It is each individual's responsibility to keep the passion/fire for worship burning in their heart!! It is our DAILY duty to add "wood" to the fire that God started in us. Have a great day!!



Yes, ma'am! NO fire extinguishers or firemen necessary. I refuse to EVA let my passion/fire for GOD go out, Sis.


I keeps an "endless" supply of "wood" on standby and "fan the flames" so that, hopefully, somebody else's soul will "catch on fire, burning with the Holy Ghost"! Ha-GLORY! :)






"Lady Evangelist Wanda Bell":

(I might get blocked for this one). I just hate that church denomination ultimately binds so many to their own li'l circle. It is a trick of the adversary. I don't believe that God moves one way for the Baptist, COGIC, Apostolic, Methodist, etc. Man has made it that way. I believe like the Bible says in Ephesians 4:5, "One Lord, one faith, and one baptism".


God's Spirit is ONE SPIRIT...

I just had to say that!!


"Lady Vanessa Freeman":

Amen! You won't get blocked by me, that's for sure! Speak the truth!

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"Lady Teresa Brinkley-Elder":

Say that...You have to tell it like it is...AMEN!!!


"Lady Katrina Kirk Franks":

No, ma'am, no blocking from me, nothing but applause for you. So right! I always say that when I get to heaven, I am saying "Hi" to everybody, not just my circle. Thanks for a bold word!


"Lady La'Trice Wilson":

I'm glad you said it. I totally agree with it,


"Lady Pastor Sonjia Dickerson":

Yes, unfortunately this is one of the significant ways the enemy works to divide us. As believers LOVE for each other must be our foundation, because when you have God in your life, He is all about LOVE. This LOVE overcomes denominational, ethnic, educational, economic, and any other barriers. Be encouraged. God will divinely order both your steps and circumstances, and provide a divine connection with those you are to minister TO and minister WITH. Those are the ones who are part of PURPOSE...and nothing can stop that. Love you, my sister. -Pastor Sonjia


"Lady Wanda":

Now that's profound!! LOVE conquers all!! Thanks for the reminder!! Someone was just speaking about you and Pastor Kevin the other day... strong, sound ministry!


"Lady Shavone Collins":

You can't block the truth!


"Lady Crystal Mitchell-Trammel Bates":

Elder, there's such a freedom in diversity. I was once bound by "a denomination" where we only fellowshipped with our kind. "You can't join in, you got to be born in???...Wow! Thank God for freedom!



"Denominational" churches/organizations are MAN-MADE. I agree WHOLE-heartedly with "Lady Pastor Sonjia Dickerson" on this issue. Let's just ALL be God's "PURPOSED BODY OF CHRIST CHURCH OF THE ALL-WISE GOD OUR SAVIOR" and get on with the REAL Kingdom-business of SOUL-WINNING! Can we just do that and get on up outta here to reign ETERNALLY with our LORD & KING? Huh? Personally, I don't think it's a difficult or impossible task to accomplish...especially since it AIN'T ABOUT US NO HOW! ~This is a PAID IN FULL advertisement by Yahweh (not to EVA be confused with Yahoo!)


Returning to the "Prayer Closet"...STAT!



"Lady Chiquita Tate":

Elder Bell, I feel the same way! It puzzles my mind when I think about all the division, but the devil knows what he's doing! I just pray that people will open up their hearts to what the WORD of GOD has to say about it. Unity in the Spirit...Liberty in Christ Jesus!!! Glad you posted this!!!


Never Ending Worship - Dr. Judith Christie McAllister:

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The nature of deception is for it to be right there - staring you in the face - without you knowing that it's deception. Jesus states in Matthew 24:4 "Take heed that no man deceive you..." Don't be deceived. It takes more than gifts, miracles or knowledge of the Bible to be spiritually successful. What moves God is a LIFESTYLE of worship!


"Lady Buena L. Price":

Thank you for this word. Deception is one of the main tools used by the enemy to take our minds off our walk.


Yes, ma'am...DON'T let a wrongly-chosen "STYLE OF LIFE" become your rightly-deserving "WILE OF DEATH."




"Lady Judith":


"Lady Theresa Addison":

My Lord, My Lord, My Lord!!! I tried EVERYTHING else. Ah, but His Grace & Mercy...Hallelujah Jesus ~ for my soul finds satisfaction, hope and rest in nothing and no one else, only YOU. Thank you, Lord.



"Lady Prophetess LuTyna Goodman":

I wasn't much of a fighter in the world, but in the Spirit IT'S ON! That's why my weapon of choice is the WORD!!!!!



THAT's tellin' 'em, "Lady LuTyna"!


**Shouts ALOUD**

0/<--ON GUARD! :)



"They REALLY don't want none o' this,"


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Ephesians 6:10-18

~King James Version~


"Finally, my brethren ("Cassie" NOTE: "...and my 'sisteren'/or sisters..." lol), be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;"



(This is gonna help somebody in THIS' REAL!)

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Sir Min. Myron Williams:


There is a reason some men and women of God carry WEIGHT in the Kingdom, and it's not just because of their calling, but it's because of their PROCESS. It's sad to say, but our generation has made so many self-made positions because they don't PROCESSGOD, help us become the church YOU want us to be and not the church we have "Copied and Pasted." #ProcessisNecessary.


The WEIGHT is because they were WILLING to WAIT on GOD. Then HE, in return, took them through the "necessary" PROCESS that would "eventually" cause them to PROGRESS right on into good SUCCESS. Original MASTERPIECES are the MASTER's "specialty" - NOT "carbon copies" made with/from somebody else's fingerprints or likeness on 'em. HE's too BIG, too AWESOME, and too GREAT to operate OTHERWISE. I'm just saying.


An AVID lover-n-supporter of the TRUTH,



"Lady La'Trice Wilson":

Cassie----Gurl, u bedda preeech dat thang!!!!!


"Lady Angela M. Smith":

Ooohhhh, gloray~~~this is good, brother.

I'm in the process!!!!


"Lady Juanita 'Faithwalker' Thomas":

Self-position is a lot like opening up the door to a darkroom while developing pictures. If you do it before the pictures are developed, then

the pictures are no good, and all you're left with is a memory, and

you never want to be a one-hit wonder!


"Lady Evangelist Wanda Bell":

Yessir!! Thank God for the process!!


Sir Chris Haynes:

Let the PROCESS process you: I Corinthians 4:17-18!*

The necessity of the development requires compliance to

His preparation strategy, which leads to validity!

I Corinthians 4:17-18

~King James Version~


(The Apostle Paul addressing the church at Corinth - for us to learn from as well.)


* "For this cause have I sent unto you Timotheus, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ, as I teach every where in every church. Now some are puffed up, as though I would not come to you."


"Cassie" @ Sir Chris Haynes on da FB:

Did you mean "II Corinthians 4:17-18"? But, of course, ALL Scripture from God's Holy Word is ALL RIGHT & ALL GOOD.

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Thanks for sharing, Sir. Be blessed, EVERYONE of you...and, like it or not, I love you. MUAH! :) "Cassie" NOTE: See his response below.


"Cassie" @ Sir Myron Williams:

Keep ROCKIN' on Christ the SOLID ROCK!

Spreading THIS & OTHER "words of wisdom" on my website,



"Lady Robin Gray":

Minister Williams, you have said a profound statement.

Overflow and continued blessings...


Sir Chris Haynes:

Lady Cassandra, thank you! 'Twas true of my intent. Blessings on your life! I Corinthians 4:15-20 speaks of the result of waiting to have weight from the process. Fathering ensures the needed fundamentals Timothy learned from Paul that we should apprehend to have proven in us. Timothy's process caused Paul to place him in ministry service and assignments. He never had to prematurely invite himself onto different platforms, places, and audiences, because Paul (his spiritual Father) had approved him in private and in public first! The process processed him!


Myron Williams, blessings on your influence, shadow, and diligent pursuit of The Ancient of Days! 1Luv!



**In addition to what Sir Chris shared...**


II Corinthians 4:17-18

~King James Version~

"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.


"Cassie" NOTE:

No matter HOW ya slice it, TRUTH will ALWAYS prevail!* :)


II Corinthians 2:14

~King James Version~

* "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ,

and maketh manifest the savour (aroma) of His knowledge by us in every place."


"Lady Renee' Hornbuckle":

**Continuing from Sir Myron Williams' FB Post above**


Amen! Most folk today just want an INSTANT result. Kinda like grits...I'm an Arkansas girl...and I can eat instant grits (if I have to), but I PREFER the ones where you have to boil the water, cook and simmer...just has a BETTER taste...PROCESS is the KEY to the REAL and AUTHENTIC LIFE God has for each of us!


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Sir Broderick E. Rice:

"A Woman of WISDOM is a 'FIERCE Force'.

There's NOTHING that she's Purposed to

do that she won't get Done."


--Broderick 'The' Empowertainer--(c-2011)



"Git 'er done,"


You always WOW me!

Thanks, and God bless! :)

Wearing SUPERnatural "FIERCE Force" boxing gloves even now,



Sir Broderick:

Cassandra Roberson-Kelley!!!! SO good to see you!

KNOW you're SHE~nomenal!




**blushin'-n-carryin' on**


Thank you EVA (ever) so kindly, Sir Broderick! :)


"Lady Jen Greenwell":

Dear Lord, Your Word and Your Wisdom are the most wonderful gifts. They're right there and readily available for those who seek You and choose to live in obedience. Thank You for loving me, and for Your guidance and that I'm focused on You today! Thank You for not giving up on me when I go astray with my thoughts, words or actions. Thank You for Your unending love and compassion, and for always bringing me back with Your Wisdom.


Sir Broderick:

Jen Jen! You betta HONOR OUR Father!!!!!!!

LOVE it!


"Lady Marie Abrams":

You better believe it!


Sir Steven "Bo" Beaudoin, Jr.":

(Thought Of The Day)


When it's of God it will ALWAYS be BIGGER than you. So...maybe YOU can't. But you and God certainly can! God is not playing games...

If He ordered it, He'll pay for it.


"Lady Terry Potillo":

And He did, Bo...not when I wanted Him to, but right on time. Amen


Sir "Bo":

Terry, God has never failed to deliver

in our house either!

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"Lady Cecily Phelps":

It's a process, Mr. Beaudoin. I'm learning that in my life - that if God said it, then it will be. He paid the ultimate price for me. Thank you, Lord!!!!!


Sir "Bo":

Amen, Cecily.


Sir Jake Williamson:

He doesn't walk out on checks, huh. Dinner on Him. lol


Sir "Bo":

lol @ Jake. Yessir, dinner, happiness, health, joy, peace, strength, vision, provision all on Him...If you can find it in the Word, then He ordered it and has already paid for it.



Yes, Sir! My...I mean, "Our" DADDY is richer than the richest "man" on THIS earth that our DADDY made ALL BY HIMSELF, with NO help/assistance or permission from the "man" that THINKS he's got somethin' goin' on but REALLY DON'T...compared to our DADDY, that is. ;) **wink** Honey, "man" betta get somewhere-n-recognize: HE got US, and HE ROCKS! Whoo-hoo! :)


With NO time to WASTE my time on "dem kind" (fools),



"Lady Evangelist Jessica D. Bell":

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Thanking GOD that HE kept me safe during that horrific storm that claimed the lives of a few yesterday!!!!!!


**"Cassie" NOTE: Saturday, April 16th**


"I've never seen storm clouds like THAT"

...(great 'sermonic' inspiration.)


"Lady Jessica," go 'head and turn that "'SERMONIC' INSPIRATION" into a "SONIC DECLARATION" that will supersede the "SOUND OF DESPERATION" (as in extreme storm danger), and cause those who "hear the Word" resounding from your mouth to accept a "SIMPLE INVITATION" to trust in JESUS the CHRIST, our Most "SOLID FOUNDATION." Amen...and it IS so. Now, get t' work on "the Message," MIGHTY WOMAN OF GOD! :)



Thanking GOD, too, for YOUR safety,



Overseer-Elect Sylvia Cunningham:




**With mouth WIDE open**

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