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More Cassie Quotes & Comments XXVII

To The Dear Family & Friends Of


(August 9, 1963-February 11, 2012)

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"May this burning candle give you strength through

the difficult times ahead. My deepest Sympathies"


Also Take To HEART Psalm 121:

~King James Version~


"I will LIFT UP mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. He will NOT suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will NOT slumber. Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall NEITHER slumber NOR sleep. The LORD is thy KEEPER: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall NOT smite thee by day, NOR the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve thee from ALL evil: He shall preserve thy SOUL. The LORD shall preserve thy going OUT and thy coming IN from THIS time forth, and even for EVERMORE."


Praying For You,




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"May this burning candle give you strength through

the difficult times ahead. My deepest Sympathies"


Also Take To HEART Psalm 121:

~King James Version~


"I will LIFT UP mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. He will NOT suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will NOT slumber. Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall NEITHER slumber NOR sleep. The LORD is thy KEEPER: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall NOT smite thee by day, NOR the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve thee from ALL evil: He shall preserve thy SOUL. The LORD shall preserve thy going OUT and thy coming IN from THIS time forth, and even for EVERMORE."


Praying For You,




Those who BELIEVE & ACCEPT Me shall have ETERNAL life. Those who DISBELIEVE & REJECT Me shall NOT REIGN with Me when they die. Who am I Who, because of My LOVE for you, was CRUCIFIED? "I Am" Yeshua: Jesus the CHRIST & God PERSONIFIED. ~Written By "Cassie" An Anointed "Kingdom Scribe"


"Lady Missionary Michelle Echols":

**Minister of Music of Holy Tabernacle COGIC in Fort Worth, TX**


Your writings/blogs never cease to amaze me --

you are so gifted, my friend!



It's ALL GOOD, because it's ALL GOD, Sis.



Amen...and it IS so. :) xoxoxo


Scripture Reference: I John 5:6-12

~King James Version~


"This is He that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water ONLY, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth WITNESS, because the Spirit is TRUTH. For there are three that bear RECORD in HEAVEN, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three AGREE in ONE. And there are three that bear witness in EARTH, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three AGREE in ONE. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is GREATER: for this is the witness of God which He hath TESTIFIED of His Son. He that BELIEVETH on the Son of God hath the WITNESS in HIMSELF: he that believeth NOT God hath made Him a LIAR; because he believeth NOT the RECORD that God gave of His Son. And this is the RECORD, that God hath given to us ETERNAL life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath NOT the Son of God hath NOT life."




Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham On da FB 02/17/12:

The reason they don't RECOGNIZE who you are


were designed to KILL YOU, but after ALL you

endured, it only RESTORED you,






I hear ya LOUD CLEAR, "Lady Sylvia"!

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This RECIPE consists of the same "arsenic" INGREDIENTS dem demonic FOOLS used to "COOK UP" some wicked FOOLISHNESS to DETERDEFAME DESTROY the fulfillment of Jesus Christ's PRIMARY PURPOSE while He lived and walked out His assignment here, on earth. But what were the RESULTS? You REMEMBA? I'll tell ya: His complete RESTORATION, after a city-wide REVIVAL caused Him to be crucified to death and miraculously RISE AGAIN three (3) days later by SUPERnatural RESURRECTION! Come on here! NO ONE will EVA (ever) be able to STOPDEFEAT or DENY the wonder-working POWER of God Almighty in you and me NEITHA! "They" betta HURRY UP and ask somebody! #JesusIStheAnswer


Because of Christ...For the Cause of Christ,





"Lady Crystal Renee' Kelley" On da FB 02/15/12:

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#Afternoonprayer "Help my character match my confession."


"Lady Evangelist/Pastor Helena Shawn Lewis-Johnson":

Girl, that will preach. In Jesus name help our hearts and mouths!


Me/"Mama Cassie":

Oooo-to-da-Weeee! "Make Me Careful," Lord...Please!

Puttin' My SELF "In Check" Wit' da Quickness...ya See,




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"Lady Minister Cynthia Diggs"

aka "Cyndi" On da FB



Doing anything consistently

will cause a great change!


BET that, "Boo" & BE That Too! ;) **wink**


STILL Your "Kingdom Sista-Friend" 4REAL,



"Lady Cyndi":

Love you, Cassandra Roberson-Kelley!

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Sir Broderick E. Rice On da FB 02/16/12:

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+ God has Commanded Blessings 'OVER' your Life,

Purpose 'FOR' your Life and Power 'IN' your Life.

So REMEMBER this...You are too COVERED to be CURSED +

--The Fresh Fragrance--



**Thinking to myself, "Nuff said."**




Sir Broderick E. Rice On da FB 02/17/12:

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Just WALK Away!

You heard me right; just Walk Away.

If 'IT' or 'THEY' don't have anything to do with

your PURPOSE or your Assigned Future;

and they're only causing STRESS,

Drama, Distraction and Confusion,

just Walk AWAY!



0/<--(Salutin'-n-Carryin' On)

Sir, Yes, Sir! 10-4, Roger That, OVA OUT, Sir! :)


'Cause iAIN'T got time to WASTE my time,





Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham On da FB 02/20/12:


HEAR what the mouth of God speaks,

and I SEE through the eyes of God...



That there is the "PROOF OF EVIDENCE" that YOU are indeed a WOMAN OF GOD, who has been carefully HAND-PICKED, strategically SPIRIT-LED, and divinely Holy Ghost-FUELED to Shake UP, Bust THROUGH, and help Tear DOWN Satan's li'l kingdom of darkness.

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CELEBRATE the GOD in YOU...'cause YOU KNOW that's how iDo!

;) **wink**


On YOUR Winning Team & LOVIN' It To The Extreme,




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Speaking of da Truth, da WHOLE Truth

NOTHIN' BUT da Truth:


Whatcha gon' DO wit' It, "Boo"?

Ya sho' "cain't" BEAT It, NO matter how MUCH

Time & Energy ya spend "tryna"

kick-n-scream AGAINST It.

So then, Wisdom says:

"Ya might as well GET wit' It & LEARN to LIKE It,

honey; 'cause, TRUST'll 'be da betta

FOR It,' thanks TO It!"


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Now, keep It UP, and until our NEXT Case,

"Be Healed, Be Delivered & Be Set Free!" :)



"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons":

Yes, indeed!!! Only the truth will make you free!



My "Kingdom Sista-Friend," looks like iNeed to keep POUNDING **crying LOUD and sparing NOT** this Word of Freedom & Truth into the minds of those who AIN'T GOT It "down pat" yet; HOWEVA, they "cain't" GET what they don't GOT, if they won't SEEK what's theirs to be SOUGHT! Wheeeew! **Smh** #iRestMyCase



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"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons"

On da FB 02/21/12:


It never ceases to amaze me at how many people allow what others think to dictate their life. I just ain't going out like that! If you didn't die on the cross, go to the grave and get up the third day for me to have everlasting life, then what you think really doesn't matter!! You have neither a heaven or hell to put me in...


Ask JESUS, Who DID die, go to the grave and get UP on the third day for me AND you to have everLASTing life! \0/<--(HA-GLORY!) That devil and his bonehead assistants MUST be OUTSIDE their TWISTED-n-THROWED OFF minds! INDESCRIBABLY DUMB was Lucifer to get his STUPID butt dropped-kicked SLAP OUT o' Heaven 'cause he THOUGHT he could become GREATER and esteemed even HIGHER than God the Creator?! WHAT?! Are you kidding me? REALLY?! PUH...leeeeaaaase! **Smh** #I'mDone


MAD "as all get out" (but iWILL get OVER it...iPROMISE),





"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell" On da FB 02/21/12:

You are so blessed when you

absolutely love what you do!!



iKNOW, right? #AllDayLong


Doin'-n-Bein' ME On Purpose

For GOD'S Purpose,


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My "Chocolate M & M Buddies" (assorted colored confection, produced at Mars, Inc., named after Forrest Mars, Sr. & Bruce Murrie of Hershey's) & I are sending "Some Sweet Love" your way today, because that's "Who We Are & What We Do"! Okay? Our SATISFACTION comes from making you HAPPY. We "Make the Moment Memorable," whether you like it "With Peanuts" or just "Plain & Simple."


Either Way...Have a WONDERFUL Day,

Giving GOD the Glory, the Honor and the Praise!

MUAH! :) xoxoxo


Spreading Our "Chocolatey Goodness" World-Wide,

"Cassie, Red, Green, Blue, Orange & Yellow"




"Lady Evangelist Jackie Hill" On da FB 02/22/12:


We can't do the right thing, running with the wrong crowd!



The VERY REASON why iChoose to "Walk" with the UPRIGHT, "Run" with the FRONTRUNNERS & "Roll" with the HOLY-ROLLERS. If ANYBODY ANYWHERE got a PROBLEM with it, it is certainly THEIR choice to have it! In OTHA News: It's raining WISDOM in God's Kingdom (no umbrella required). Betta getcha some while da gettin's GOOD. Again...I'm just sayin', and iStill LOVE ya. :) xoxoxo






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"Lady Evangelist Dr. Mary White"

On da FB 02/22/12:


A Basketball in my hands is worth about $19.00. A Basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about 33 million (dollars). It depends on whose hands it's in. Put your worries, your dreams, your fears, your concerns, your hopes, your relationships and families in the hands of God. It depends on whose hands you're in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Come on here, "Mama White"!

iKNOW that's right, as we "fly to higher heights"

in the realm of FAITH, which is considered "outta sight"!

In my BEST "J.J." voice: Our GOD is "DynOmite"!

\0/<--SWISH! (A Game-Winning Three-Pointer)


In the CAPABLE Hands of GOD The "Great I AM,"





"Lady Evangelist/Pastor Helena Shawn Lewis-Johnson"

On My FB Wall 02/22/12:

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I love and appreciate you!

Thank You, Lord, for this treasured Powerhouse

whom You have anointed for Your Glory. Blessings.



Uh-uh! DON'T you make me cry up in here, on da FB, "Lady Shawn"!

Do you HEAR me? Are you even "tryna" LISTEN to da words that

are comin' outta my mouth? **just FUN'n wit'**

The Lord says, "You're welcome anytime." ;) **wink**

iLove you, Sis...MUAH! :) xoxoxo


Sincerely & Respectfully,





Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham On da FB 02/23/12:

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I know the CUT was DEEP...the BLEEDING was EXTREME...

the HEALING was FOREVER...The SCAR is UGLY...but it had to happen

like that because THE PAIN you experienced was only the PROCESS to


They meant to KILL you, but it was a setup by GOD that only

helped you LIVE longer!!!!



**On da "SAINTS' HOSPITAL" Intercom**


"Paging DR. JESUS! Come in, DR. JESUS!

We have an 'IronSHARPening Emergency' here! Please HURRY!

K...thanks. #Thatisall





**Voice of the GREAT PHYSICIAN**

"Wilt thou be MADE WHOLE?"


**Voice of the WOUNDED SOLDIER in the Army of the Lord**

"Yes, Lord."



"Thy FAITH hath MADE thee WHOLE.

Arise...take UP thy 'bed' and WALK."


Amen...and it IS so. :)




From Me To "Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton"

On Her FB Wall 02/23/12:

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"Friendship is a RAINBOW between two hearts."


"Taste the Rainbow"

Of Sisters Keeping In Touch To Love, Encourage & Support.

What you'll SOON discover to be SO "Neat"

is a kindred spirit that is oh, SO "Sweet"!

:) xoxoxo


Still STUCK on YOU (but again, whatcha gon' DO? lol),

"Cassie" aka Yo' S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S. (Too)


"Sweet Lady Candy":

Hey there, my SKITTLES...You seem to always make me smile.

Thank you! Love you bunches!



**Cheezin' HARD "as all get out"** :)


"Sweet Lady Candy":

One thing I know...when I'm feeling low...The Lord and you always pick me up! You are my Sunshine! God gave me a WONDERFUL Sister/Friend when he gave me you.



Lemme just say to you and da 'tire wuhl (the entire world) that when the LORD saw fit to allow our paths to intersect at a "designated crossroad in life" that He Himself CHOSE for us, without question and beyond a shadow of a doubt, iKnew that He would CONSTANTLY be a "Lamp unto our feet and a Light unto our pathway." It is He that SHINETH in me and through me to BRIGHTEN your days in the midst of a dark, cold world. This SPECIAL-n-PERSONAL "Kingdom Assignment" brings GREAT JOY to my soul, and my heart DELIGHTS in the LOVING SMILES iReceive from you in return. Thank you, "Sweetheart" & God Bless! MUAH! :) xoxoxo


Today & Always,




J Moss- Anointing

This song is from JUST JAMES (in stores now) my favorite song from the album.... HANDS DOWN!!!




"Dear Heavenly Father: SURROUND Me, ENDOW Me & DOUSE Me With Your ANOINTING. For it is the ANOINTING that COMPLETELY destroys EVERY 'Yoke of Sin & Bondage.' Henceforth, EQUIP Me AS iCome & AS iGo. Yes, USE Me AS iFlow With Your ANOINTING. Amen...and it IS so."


An Earthen Vessel of Clay In The Hands of The Most Worthy Potter,



"Lady Velma Alexander Franklin":

Beautiful prayer!



iMean it with EVERYTHING within me too, "Lady Velma..."

Thanks, Sis. :) xoxoxo


"Lady Darilyn Johnson":

Yes, Lord.



\0/<--Humbly Submitted & Totally Committed :)



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Everyday "iGive Myself Away" as one of a "gazillion"

Faithful, Anointed, Blessed, Uplifting, Loving, Optimistic & Unique Servants

of the Most High God: That would be the "FABULOUS" side of ME -

Made in Eternity & Manufactured by Elohim,

in Whom "I AM" Well-Pleased. ;) **wink**



A "Diamond In The Rough"...Yet MORE Than Enough,




Sir Pastor Jay Moss On da FB 02/27/12:


:-) Always great posts, Lady Cassandra.



Thank you EVA (ever) so kindly, Sir Jay.

Of course, you DO understand that it's


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'Cause iCain't do NOTHIN' 'til HE gives me my "HOLY GHOST FIX"!

Come on outta here! Yes, Sir! iLove ya, and be blessed, Sir! :)




Sir Kelvin Sharpe Sharing An Encouraging Quote On da FB:

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iGOT 'em, Sir...and YOU one of 'em!

How 'bout THAT?!

Give GOD the Glory "up in this piece"! BAM! (B)ust (A) (M)ove,

all ye "PEOPLE"! **with or without music, ushers and security...

'cause GOD is ALL THAT, "Boo"!**


Lovin' GOD & Lovin' YOU,



Sir Kelvin:

Sis, You ROCK!!!




"Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton"

Sharing A Quote of Logic & Reason On da FB 02/28/12:

"People cry, not because they're weak.

It's because they've been strong

for too long."



Excuse me,

"Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton,"

but uhm..."People cry (also), NOT because

they've been strong too long, but because

they miss their S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S."


I'm just sayin'. Okay? **Tears** The End

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(This is a PAID IN FULL advertisement by Yahweh, NOT to be "weakly" mistaken or

badly confused with Yahoo!)


A LONGTIME Kleenex Tissue Investor (So...WHAT?!),

"Cassie" aka "Candy's S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S."


"Sweet Lady Candy":

Awwwwwwwww haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa.

So now what you want me to do is CRY?????? Stop, Skittles...

Stop, or it will be a crying sensation. You know what to say and do.

Only YOU! How sweet of you!




Bidding Farewell To February 2012

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TODAY marks its Final 24 Hrs. within 29 Featured DAYS of February, which - interestingly enough - will NOT return again until Four Yrs. From NOW. Yet, iAm SURE we ALL can agree that "BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2012" has been SURPRISINGLY SHOCKINGSENSELESSLY STUPID SERIOUSLY SAD beyond belief, to say the least. Seems as though Flying DIRT, Foolish DRAMA & Fatal DEATHS of DEAR Loved Ones have been Freshly DISHED out by da DROVES and on da DAILY. But, as Songwriter Sir Kurt Carr wrote and sang SO SWEETLY, "Let Me ENCOURAGE You. Let Me SPEAK LIFE to You. You can DEPEND on GOD to see You through, and You can DEPEND on Me to PRAY For You." Grace & Peace to EACH of You, My Family & Friends. iSincerely LOVE You! ~Forever Yours, "Cassie"




In Loving Memory of Sir Bishop William H. Watson, II

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From Me To Sir Pastor William H. Watson, III

On da FB 02/29/12:


Sir William H. Watson, III, NO words can ADEQUATELY express the "Feeling of Loss" that ANYBODY who knew/knows Bishop William H. Watson, II is experiencing this very moment in time. Understandably, we release him (though UNwillingly at first) into the MIGHTY Hands of The Omniscient & Omnipotent GOD Who - as iAlways say - KNOWS ALL things and is in FULL CONTROL of ALL things. The least that those who KNOW LOVE the Watson Family, as well as the ENTIRE Texas Northwest Jurisdiction, can do WITHOUT ceasing is to PRAY. iCommit myself to do that, even on TODAY, in JESUS' precious name. Amen.


With DEEPEST Sympathy & HEARTFELT Condolences,





Sir Isaac Sanders On da FB 02/29/12:

And on this LAST day of Feb. (Black History Month)

I salute ALL those Black leaders who have paved

the way for us today in every way...and I wanna

end it by saluting someone who has truly inspired

me and continue to by their music, preaching, anointing, entrepreneurial endeavors, humble spirit

and awesome character...Dr. Dorinda Clark-Cole!

I love her and thank God for her...She's the best! :)

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iSecond that Motion

wit' LOTS o' Emotion as well, Sir Isaac!


Amen...and it IS so.

;) **wink**


Lovin' & Appreciatin' Me Some DCC...

Don'tcha "C",


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